I keep hearing from folks that Vic was a great friend and for those in business with him, an excellent referral source. If you needed help with something, he always had a recommendation of trusted friends and we’ve listed a few we know about below. If you ever got a recommendation from Victor for someone not on here, please let us know and we’ll add them. “Dad, this is a tribute to you” “Yeah and Andrew did a great job punching this thing up, but my friends and I did this for each other all the time, why wouldn’t I want my friends to be able to help each other out even if i’m not there?”

  1. Mortgage Broker Extraordinaire – Yolanda Foster – 775-342-9779
  2. Marketing and Website Design Extraordinaire – Dylan Stone – 775-525-3966
  3. Nevada Handyman Extraordinaire – John McCoy – 775-848-7622
  4. Maine Handyman and Property Manager Extraordinaire – Zach Taylor – 207-251-6418 
  5. Realtor Extraordinaire – Clark Riel – 775-232-0768